Subsidy for children staying with day parents

Category 1 - Married parents, cohabitation. Monthly subsidy.

Category 2 - Single parents, spouses and common-law partners - both parents studying, one or both parents have a disability, preschool staff applying for a lower fee.


Subsidy Category 1 (ISK) Category 2 (ISK)
4-8 hours. Fee per hour 10,362 14,190
8-8.5 hours. Fee per hour 5,182 10,544
8.5-9 hours. Fee per hour   6,949
Valid from January 1, 2024

Category 1 - For children up to 18 months of age

Time Subsidy per child (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 2 (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 3 (ISK)
4.0 hours. 41,448 31,086 41,448
4.5 hours. 46,629 34,972 46,629
5.0 hours. 51,810 38,858 51,810
5.5 hours. 56,991 42,743 56,991
6.0 hours. 62,172 46,629 62,172
6.5 hours. 67,535 50,515 67,353
7.0 hours. 72,534 54,401 72,534
7.5 hours. 77,715 58,286 77,715
8.0 hours. 82,896 62,172 82,896
8.5 hours. 85,488 64,116 85,488
9.0 hours. 85,488 64,116 85,488
Valid from January 1, 2024

Category 2 - For children up to 18 months of age

Time Subsidy per child (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 2 (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 3 (ISK)
4.0 hours. 56,760 42,570 56,760
4.5 hours. 63,855 47,891 63,855
5.0 hours. 70,950 53,213 70,950
5.5 hours. 78,045 58,534 78,045
6.0 hours. 85,140 63,855 85,140
6.5 hours. 92,235 69,176 92,235
7.0 hours. 99,330 74,498 99,330
7.5 hours. 106,425 79,819 106,425
8.0 hours. 113,520 85,140 113,520
8.5 hours. 118,792 89,094 118,792
9.0 hours. 122,267 91,700 122,267
Valid from January 1, 2024

Category 1 - For children from 18 months of age

Time Subsidy per child (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 2 (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 3 (ISK)
4.00 hours 87.569 97.313 100.225
4.25 hours 93.224 103.577 106.489
4.50 hours 98.879 109.841 112.753
4.75 hours 104.534 116.105 119.017
5.00 hours 101.448 113.628 125.281
5.25 hours 107.103 119.892 131.545
5.50 hours 112.758 126.156 137.809
5.75 hours 130.000 144.007 155.660
6.00 hours 124.069 138.685 150.338
6.25 hours 129.724 144.007 156.602
6.50 hours 135.379 151.213 162.866
6.75 hours 141.034 157.477 169.130
7.00 hours 143.777 160.093 175.394
7.25 hours 149.432 167.093 181.658
7.50 hours 155.087 173.357 187.922
7.75 hours 160.742 179.621 194.186
8.00 hours 166.397 185.885 200.450
8.25 hours 170.411 192.149 206.714
8.50 hours 174.425 198.413 212.978
8.75 hours 176.204 204.677 219.242
9.00 hours 177.982 210.941 225.506
Valid from February 1, 2024

Category 2 - For children from 18 months of age

Time Subsidy per child (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 2 (ISK) Additional subsidy for child 3 (ISK)
4.00 hours 93.273 97.313 100.225
4.25 hours 99.285 103.577 106.489
4.50 hours 105.296 109.841 112.753
4.75 hours 111.308 116.105 119.017
5.00 hours 108.578 113.628 125.281
5.25 hours 114.590 119.892 131.545
5.50 hours 120.601 126.156 137.809
5.75 hours 138.199 144.007 155.660
6.00 hours 132.625 138.685 150.338
6.25 hours 138.636 144.007 156.602
6.50 hours 144.648 151.213 162.866
6.75 hours 150.659 157.477 169.130
7.00 hours 153.759 160.093 175.394
7.25 hours 159.770 167.093 181.658
7.50 hours 165.782 173.357 187.922
8.00 hours 177.805 185.885 200.450
8.25 hours 183.141 192.149 206.714
8.50 hours 188.476 198.413 212.978
8.75 hours 192.883 204.677 219.242
9.00 hours 197.289 210.941 225.506
Valid from February 1, 2024

Additional subsidy for siblings all staying with a day parent

Time 75%  additional subsidy 100%  additional subsidy
  Category 1 (ISK) Category 2 (ISK) Category 1 (ISK) Category 2 (ISK)
4-8 hours, fee per hour 7,367 10,088 9,823 13,450
8-8.5 hours, fee per hour 3,686 7,496 4,914 9,994
8.5-9 hours, fee per hour 0 4,940 0 6,587
Valid from October 1, 2023


Gjaldskrá leikskóla

Þú getur séð hver kostnaður foreldra barna 18 mánaða og eldri er hjá dagforeldrum með því að skoða gjaldskrá leikskóla.


You can see more detailed explanations about the contribution to your day parents and information about additional subsidy in the Rules on Day Care Subsidies.